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Follow Along TONIC + Push Subs



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
It's been a little while since I've launched a new campaign. I've been busy with other projects, but with @TONIC. recently getting more active and @Aptfxer posting a TONIC follow along, I decided it's time to take action. The stars have aligned :)

BTW, here's his follow along which is good and worth a look:

So, for my follow along, I am going to test a few GEOs that I have converting well generating push subscriptions. I deposited $200 on my TONIC account and will be using that.

To start, I researched TONIC's traffic for the browsers and OS I need. For push subscriptions, I am looking for Android traffic with Chrome browser. The Traffic Estimator makes me happy:


It looks like I'll be able to bid the minimum. Zeropark click convert well on this offer so even though the payout is going to be low, I should be able to get it profitable.

I am going to use Kintura to track my campaign since that's what I've been using for all my push subscription campaigns lately. They do not have a template for TONIC, but I created one with the TONIC tokens:

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