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Step 1 - Apply for MOBIPIUM

Hey there,

Thank you Luke for your post.
To all of you who registered, please check your email, one of our Account Managers should have reached you with the needed info.


MOBIPIUM Affiliates Team.
I registered yesterday and one of your team sent me an email asking me some questions, i replied and i’m waiting to be approved. Hope everything’s Okey.
@Luke If I wanna remove one offer from the five selected, then how to do that? I have added another $5 after spending $10 and I have optimized for performing GEOs and Website IDs, but now I wanna remove one offer.
@Mobipium, I can't login with my account(, it always shows "Failed Authentication ", and even I can't reset my password.
please give a hand on this.
Hey malin6691,

Nice to meet you!
Was your account already approved and an Account Manager was assigned to you? In that case is best to reach your AM directly.
Otherwise, please reach us here via Private Message.


MOBIPIUM Affiliates Team.
Hey malin6691,

Nice to meet you!
Was your account already approved and an Account Manager was assigned to you? In that case is best to reach your AM directly.
Otherwise, please reach us here via Private Message.


MOBIPIUM Affiliates Team.
Yes, my account was approved previously, and actually I tried to reach my AM last Friday and no answers yet, myabe I should wait for a while I guess...