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Push traffic in 2021. Is it worth it?



Jan 28, 2021

Some affiliates like to remember the golden days of push notifications: the beginning of 2018, no major restrictions, cosmic ROI… Experienced market players, however, understand that the push format is still working and promising.

And we agree with the above!
Push-notification is one of the most profitable traffic sources for many verticals in Galaksion: e-commerce, utilities, nutra, applications, browser extensions, sweepstakes, dating, finance.

There are two things to consider when working with push:
— Strict browser policy. Built-in adblocks, silent requests, and other attempts to improve the user experience are not destiny for push notifications. Experience shows that by the time of 2021, the portrait of a typical subscriber remains the same, and the flow of conversions does not decrease.
— Burned-out audience. Today, the main feature of push campaigns is filtering the audience by the freshness of the subscription. It is doubly good if the advertising network offers its own base of high-quality subscribers without resold traffic. This is exactly our case.

It is not always quick and easy to drive push traffic and earn something, but if you follow the basic rules, profit will find you:

— Always consider the freshness of the user's subscription.
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