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Follow Along PPV vs Mobipium PNSL (Rematch)

Hi,thank you for your sharing ,it's very helpful.
By the way, Are there any new changes in current revenue?
Can you recommend which geos to test? due to COVID-19 ,Italy performed poorly on push.
Does the price change a lot of Mobipium PNSL? due to this, maybe I will try test evadav pnsl with CPA price.
Really great follow along @Jimmy!
Do you think this method is still applicable?

Unfortunately, this just isn't something you could do these days. This was a fun campaign back in the day, but the world of push notification smartlink offers has changed a lot since then. The main geo I was promoting in this campaign was South Africa and my payout per conversion was fluctuating around $0.04. These days, you're going to be lucky to get a payout of $0.01 for anything and most of the time it'll be around $0.001, which is 4000% lower than it was a few years ago.
What Akahma said:

I try to just change one thing at a time between tests. I've mostly focussed on just dropping countries and publishers that have 0 conversions with 3x offer spend, but if a country or publisher is red but getting conversions I'll keep it around for a while unless the ratio is off the charts (I usually drop if it's worse than 10x the offer value if it's converting). Once a campaign breaks even with that process I'll then top it up so it runs for 48 hours straight without touching it again, just to see what difference a bit of time makes.
Hi Jimmy, great all thread of yours. What I want to ask you when you say "I've mostly focussed on just dropping countries and publishers that have 0 conversions with 3x offer spend," how do you know offer payout if you worked in that case with the smartlinks?