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New Course! Survey Pops - The Intermediate Guide


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Today, I am very excited to announce the addition of our 3rd affiliate marketing course here on affLIFT, Survey Pops!

I created and launched our first course way back in November 2019 called the Pops Guide. Pops Guide is a beginner course that teaches you the fundamentals of running an affiliate marketing campaign. We have had close to 1,000 members go through the Pops Guide and it has been viewed over 100,000 times.

Then, earlier this year, we released the Push Ads Sweepstakes Mastery Course that was created by @Nick on the forum.

But, there is a gap between the Pops Guide and Push Ads Mastery. @Nick created Survey Pops to fill that gap :)

Survey Pops - The Intermediate Guide 👇

Survey Pops is available exclusively on affLIFT for free to paid members. Go check it out! 🚀

You will learn how to run Zeydoo survey offers using PropellerAds pop traffic (CPA Goal), a landing page, and BeMob tracking.

Huge thank you to @Nick for his contributions to our community. I look forward to hearing what everyone thinks of Survey Pops!
Lol I am currently doing this. I guess some feedback I gave to the community awhile back was heard?

I'll be very frank. This survey thing isn't easy either. With most profitable Geo's im making 30-50 cents a day. Tons of Geo's don't work. But I haven't gone through the guide maybe I'll learn a thing or two.

Able to generate about 5 dollars a day from this offer but with a ton of work. Could easily make more money and spend less time working but I would be running a much larger initial loss. I've easily lost 120 dollars in testing just to get this daily income of 5 dollars.


Just a quick glance at the summary makes me think that it will perform great. A few things that could make it potentially better than what I am currently doing is the use of a landing page + CPA goals allows for less work.

I have tried CPA on some traffic sources and bombed hard though. With a 90% loss in net profit and 0 useful data.
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Lol I am currently doing this. I guess some feedback I gave to the community awhile back was heard?

I'll be very frank. This survey thing isn't easy either. With most profitable Geo's im making 30-50 cents a day. Tons of Geo's don't work. But I haven't gone through the guide maybe I'll learn a thing or two.

Able to generate about 5 dollars a day from this offer but with a ton of work. Could easily make more money and spend less time working but I would be running a much larger initial loss. I've easily lost 120 dollars in testing just to get this daily income of 5 dollars.


Just a quick glance at the summary makes me think that it will perform great. A few things that could make it potentially better than what I am currently doing is the use of a landing page + CPA goals allows for less work.

I have tried CPA on some traffic sources and bombed hard though. With a 90% loss in net profit and 0 useful data.

Ye man I feel you, I would advise you to change that mentality. The impression I'm getting by reading you, is that you think this industry does not work or is too competitive; you need to change that negative mentality ASAP if you want to find evergreen campaigns.

Media buying is all about investing in data, so you should do all your efforts on testing more offers. One thing that really helps me if whether I'll test something or not, is if I see other affiliates are running it (use spytools).

Also btw, no data is useless. The important thing is that you spend enough, so that data is even more useful, I use to run camps for $20 and then I dropped them. Believe me, there is no value in doing that, you need to spend a lot more to get the data you want to make optimizations or day parting.

So why I'm telling you this? Well, because of this:
I'll be very frank. This survey thing isn't easy either.

So you lost $120 on testing?? When you're saying that you are making $5 /day, that's $150/month, that'd be $20 in profit. That's why I'm saying your mentality is all wrong. Instead of focusing on the little profit you're getting, start looking on ways of scaling it or testing other offers so you can increase your total profit per day.

Please do not get offended by this, and do not take it personal, but I see begginer affiliates (I also did this at the start) do this time and time again.

To your success,
So you lost $120 on testing?? When you're saying that you are making $5 /day, that's $150/month, that'd be $20 in profit
I agree with this. If the profits lasts it's one great investment. My main concern is that I don't know how long these offers will be up though and if the profits will be stable or drop off. Im still too new to judge anything.

If it doesn't last that $20 dollars can't make up for the time I spent on it and the fees alone to receive the money would have eaten away at all profit.

Btw, im not being negative. Just trying to be more grounded and keep myself and everyone's expectations going into this course to be more realistic since I expected things to be a whole lot easier... But just as with everything worthwhile in life, it doesn't come easy.

Still a very well written and great intermediate course! It's exactly what I needed to progress from the beginners course...
Lol I am currently doing this. I guess some feedback I gave to the community awhile back was heard?

I'll be very frank. This survey thing isn't easy either. With most profitable Geo's im making 30-50 cents a day. Tons of Geo's don't work. But I haven't gone through the guide maybe I'll learn a thing or two.

Able to generate about 5 dollars a day from this offer but with a ton of work. Could easily make more money and spend less time working but I would be running a much larger initial loss. I've easily lost 120 dollars in testing just to get this daily income of 5 dollars.


Just a quick glance at the summary makes me think that it will perform great. A few things that could make it potentially better than what I am currently doing is the use of a landing page + CPA goals allows for less work.

I have tried CPA on some traffic sources and bombed hard though. With a 90% loss in net profit and 0 useful data.
I agree with this. If the profits lasts it's one great investment. My main concern is that I don't know how long these offers will be up though and if the profits will be stable or drop off. Im still too new to judge anything.

If it doesn't last that $20 dollars can't make up for the time I spent on it and the fees alone to receive the money would have eaten away at all profit.

Btw, im not being negative. Just trying to be more grounded and keep myself and everyone's expectations going into this course to be more realistic since I expected things to be a whole lot easier... But just as with everything worthwhile in life, it doesn't come easy.

Still a very well written and great intermediate course! It's exactly what I needed to progress from the beginners course...
My main issue here is that you haven't gone through the course to follow the strategy Nick has actually outlined. Just because you weren't able to get the survey offers profitable on your own does not mean you won't be able to do it using the strategy outlined. As you said, Nick has done things in the course that you did not do in your own campaigns.

This is one of the reasons every gets so discouraged when they rip a campaign from a spy tool and it's not profitable. There are certain things you cannot rip.

@Nick has done an awesome job in this course of explaining his strategy and how he has been able to get these campaigns profitable.

Go through the course and make a follow along. I would be interested to see how your results compare after following the course to the campaigns you ran for the survey offers on your own :)
BTW, I am not saying you are certain to be profitable by following the course. That would not be responsible or reasonable of me. We have literally hundreds of members consuming this content. I imagine the strategy will be swayed by that. But, I hope you'll at least try and see what you can learn👍
I'm already in the midst of implementing the things I've learned in the course. Couldn't possibly ask for a better course than what's been provided.

The way I see it is that there's a lot of potential for those who are willing to put in the EFFORT to optimise landing pages, traffic and scale.
I'm already in the midst of implementing the things I've learned in the course. Couldn't possibly ask for a better course than what's been provided.

The way I see it is that there's a lot of potential for those who are willing to put in the EFFORT to optimise landing pages, traffic and scale.
That's what I was hoping you would say :D
