Need Help with PropellerAds, Binom Tracker, and GoldenGoose for POP Campaign

Facebook & Google Agency Accounts


Super Contributor
Nov 6, 2019
🎯 Traffic Source: @PropellerAds
🔧 Tracking Tool: @Binom
✅ Affiliate Network: GG
👍 Type of Offer: Sweepstake
💰 Offer Payout: various low payouts (less then $1)

Hi everyone,

I recently launched my first POP campaign using Binom tracker with PropellerAds and GoldenGoose networks. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any results despite a $30 budget.

I've verified that my tracker is installed correctly, but I'm concerned I might have missed a parameter or overlooked something crucial. How can I ensure that everything is properly connected to my Binom tracker?

Additionally, when I start using my own LP, what link should I be sending traffic to?

Any advice or insights would be greatly
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