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Follow Along MegaPush + PeerFly + BeMob = Profit (so far)

You will only know by testing. Most people direct link initially to see if the offer converts, then build a landing page to try and improve conversions.
which is best Direct link or lp?
I was direct linking these campaigns but I know some guys running very successful campaigns that are using their own landing pages.
I'm using a landing page. It converts. And you have more control
So, I was blacklisted on the AsianLadyOnline offer in the middle of the night. No big deal. It happens to everyone (even me). Apparently the traffic wasn't backing out as well as it needed to (the payout is pretty high).

I'm testing some other dating offers and some finance offers with MegaPush. Just wanted you all to know even I get the ban hammer on offers sometimes :)

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@Corey and I are still friends.

Hey Luke,

I ran 2 other Dating offers on Megapush and got blacklisted on both with the exact same message from Corey. What does this mean? Should we avoid Dating offers? I don't want to test a new one if I'm going to get blacklisted again.
Hey Luke,

I ran 2 other Dating offers on Megapush and got blacklisted on both with the exact same message from Corey. What does this mean? Should we avoid Dating offers? I don't want to test a new one if I'm going to get blacklisted again.
Every client, campaign, and offer is different. Were you direct linking? I've noticed that the traffic overall doesn't seem to have the quality the client is looking for when direct linking the few mainstream dating offers that are available on PeerFly (primarily AnastasiaDate and AsianLadyOnline).

However, building a landing page can definitely improve quality. I believe we do have some publishers driving push traffic from MegaPush to these dating offers with their own presell landing pages that aren't having quality issues.
Every client, campaign, and offer is different. Were you direct linking? I've noticed that the traffic overall doesn't seem to have the quality the client is looking for when direct linking the few mainstream dating offers that are available on PeerFly (primarily AnastasiaDate and AsianLadyOnline).

However, building a landing page can definitely improve quality. I believe we do have some publishers driving push traffic from MegaPush to these dating offers with their own presell landing pages that aren't having quality issues.

Yes, I was direct linking. I thought you were direct linking as well with success, so I tried the same. I did get conversions, it's just that I got blacklisted.
Yes, I was direct linking. I thought you were direct linking as well with success, so I tried the same. I did get conversions, it's just that I got blacklisted.
Yeah, the same thing happened to me. I don't think that means necessarily that dating can't be direct linked on MegaPush without getting blacklisted. I think it says more about how the client for the 2 particular offers I mentioned gets the leads to back out :)
Hey Luke,

I ran 2 other Dating offers on Megapush and got blacklisted on both with the exact same message from Corey. What does this mean? Should we avoid Dating offers? I don't want to test a new one if I'm going to get blacklisted again.
The advertiser on Maxbounty doesnt want you because they cant make money with your traffic.
They told that your AM and thats why got blacklisted.

My tip, target as good as you can. e.g. When the advertiser say 25+ converts best, then focus only that audience by excluding others.
e.g. "Are you over 25y...?" or "Are you born before 1993?"

Another tip, if its possible, send more infos to the advertiser via different subid's. e.g. interests from traffic source ,traffic source id,...
I send numbers instead of text to prevent reverse engineering.
With that extra info, you give the advertiser the opportunity for optimization, they can tell you which numbers they want and which not.

If you do that right and the advertisier can make money with your traffic, they will ask for more and your campaigns might run for months, even years. ;)
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The advertiser on Maxbounty doesnt want you because they cant make money with your traffic.
They told that your AM and thats why got blacklisted.

My tip, target as good as you can. e.g. When the advertiser say 25+ converts best, then focus this audience by excluding others.
E.g. "Are you over 25y...?" or "Are you born before 1993?"

If you do that right and the advertisier can make money with your traffic, they will ask for more. ;)

Maxbounty? I'm not even on Maxbounty. This was on Peerfly.

Good tip, but I was getting a good amount of conversions anyway. One of my campaigns was even in profit. So they were making money.
Just because you are profiting doesn't necessarily mean that the client (person that owns the offer) is profiting. This is especially true with lead offers.

Could you elaborate on this, since you got blacklisted as well? So is Checker right when he/she says that if you target age, for instance, the client may profit more? For example, one of the offers I got blacklisted for had a target of ages 30-70. Now I assumed that a conversion would take place ONLY if someone of that age group signed up for the dating site. Is that the case or does it take place no matter who signs up? If it's the latter, then I understand I may not have been bringing them quality traffic since I didn't target that in my ad caption. But if it's the former, then how were they not profiting?

Also, as you mentioned landing pages above, could you explain how the client for an offer like AsianLadyOnline would benefit from us using a landing page? Would it be so we target ages there as well? And if they do need us to use landing pages, how come this wasn't specified in the offer details? I've seen plenty of offers on Peerfly where it was clearly specified that they shouldn't be direct linked and need to have a landing page. The ones I got blacklisted for had no such specifications.
Could you elaborate on this, since you got blacklisted as well? So is Checker right when he/she says that if you target age, for instance, the client may profit more? For example, one of the offers I got blacklisted for had a target of ages 30-70. Now I assumed that a conversion would take place ONLY if someone of that age group signed up for the dating site. Is that the case or does it take place no matter who signs up? If it's the latter, then I understand I may not have been bringing them quality traffic since I didn't target that in my ad caption. But if it's the former, then how were they not profiting?

Also, as you mentioned landing pages above, could you explain how the client for an offer like AsianLadyOnline would benefit from us using a landing page? Would it be so we target ages there as well? And if they do need us to use landing pages, how come this wasn't specified in the offer details? I've seen plenty of offers on Peerfly where it was clearly specified that they shouldn't be direct linked and need to have a landing page. The ones I got blacklisted for had no such specifications.
Let's turn things around for a second. Let's say that you own a dating site where your revenue is generated by users who upgrade their membership. People can sign up for free, but your goal is to upsell them and get them to pay $100/year for an upgraded membership. You have special features and things only upgraded members can do.

With your internal data, you see that approximately 10% of your members upgrade to the $100/year plan. So, it would seem, the average value a free user is worth is ~$10.

You want to scale your site and get new members. So, you sign up as an advertiser on PeerFly. You can pay $10/lead (free user sign up) and break even. So, you offer to pay the network $7.50 (25% ROI, NICE!). For every free user that signs up from PeerFly, on average you think you should make about $10 (10% will upgrade to the $100/year) and you're paying PeerFly $7.50.

Well, you start getting traffic from PeerFly and notice that publisher 386 has had 100 people sign up (costing you $750). Based on your data, you would think that 10 of those people would have upgraded to the $100/year plan which would generate $1,000 in revenue. Unfortunately, only 5 have upgraded. So, you've spent $750 for those leads (conversions from PeerFly) and only made $500. You have lost $250.

How long are you going to let publisher 386 promote your dating site if you're losing money with every user they send you?

That's what it means when an offer is not backing out. Now, why is this the case? Why is it that your average conversion rate from free to upgraded is 10% and with publisher 386 from PeerFly it's only 5%?

It's hard to say. More than likely it's the traffic method that publisher 386 is using. You've never run push notification ads to your dating site yourself so maybe push notification ads are only going to convert at 5% for your dating site. Maybe it's the landing page that publisher 386 is using from PeerFly. Maybe it's the banner creative?

Who knows.

All you know is that you've already lost $250. So, you ask PeerFly to stop 386 from sending you traffic to your offer. You have him blacklisted and you hope that the other traffic you get from PeerFly makes up for the money you've already lost.

Lead generation is a gamble. With most clients on PeerFly, it's a very educated gamble. They know what their traffic typically backs out to. People ask "why does this offer now allow pop traffic?" Well, it's probably restricted because the client from PeerFly has tested pop traffic and send millions of clicks and know it doesn't convert well enough. Why would they want to pay you to do it? :)

I hope that explains what's going on behind-the-scenes.
Thanks for that very detailed explanation. :)

I guess the reason why it's only 5% with publisher 386 being a bit unknown is the problem. Because without knowing why, I, the publisher, can't FIX it either, or make sure I avoid getting blacklisted in another offer in the future.
I guess the reason why it's only 5% with publisher 386 being a bit unknown is the problem. Because without knowing why, I, the publisher, can't FIX it either, or make sure I avoid getting blacklisted in another offer in the future.
Every situation and offer is different. That's the reason I tell most publishers not to be too concerned when they are blacklisted on an offer. Even in this situation, you could potentially promote another dating offer a day later and have it convert/back out well for THAT client. There are so many variables that it's hard for anyone to know WHY something isn't backing out. The easiest way to get past this is to be constantly split testing different offers :)