Losing my virginity - Campaign #1 - PopAds, BeMob, Downloads & Installs

TC Publishing

Active Member
Jan 24, 2019
This my first time behind the wheel, so I'm quite excited, and nervous.
1. - My primary objective is just to get the feel of this thing, see what's what and so on.
2. Secondary is keep the number of variable to a minimum, so I can see what works and what doesn't. For this I'll try 2 different types of pops - (popups and floating banners)
3. Third objective is to break even - I'm told you always lose money on your first campaign, and so be it - it's the cost of the lesson. But if I can get to $1 profit, I will consider that a huge achievement and my confidence a boost.

Traffic Source is PopAds as it's supposed to be the easiest for newbies like me.
Tracker is BeMob - as I have started out on their basic, free plan. Once I get the hang of this thing I'll probably graduate to more advanced trackers, but I'm keeping my spend tight at this stage.
Vertical - download and installs (Reimage PC Repair)- one I've used myself, and has featured in PeerFly's top offers. It converts on install (free scan)
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