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iGB Affiliate London 2024 - Wrap-up and Swag Reveal



Grandpa affLIFT
Staff Member
Community Leader
Dec 1, 2018
I initially wasn't going to attend this year's conference as I had some work come up, which would have meant I wouldn't be in the country at the time of the conference. However, I decided to register anyway, as it's free after all.

Well, it turns out my work changed and wouldn't require me to leave the country, so could attend. Unfortunately, it also turns out that none of the gang from the previous years would be attending :(

I almost binned it off as walking around alone can be a little boring after a while, but decided no, let's go and see what's going on this year. If you have ever been to the Excel Centre in London, you'll know it's massive, but they are building a huge extension at the moment, so I had to go in via the DLR entrance, so couldn’t get a nice entrance shot.


Yes, it almost always looks that grey and grim in London, lol

My initial impression of the conference this year was it felt smaller. It was over the same space as last year, so was the same size, but had a feeling of being
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