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Guide How to promote e-commerce on Native? Learnings from 2020



Grand Guru
Oct 16, 2018
2021 Prediction: Set Your Sights on the e-Commerce Vertical

Ever since the pandemic, the e-Commerce industry has boomed to greater heights, and it is not showing signs of slowing down. You can expect more of the same this 2021, even when vaccines are being rolled out.

Based on experience and raw data, Facebook Ads, Google Ads and native ads yield the best results for this vertical. Unfortunately for Facebook advertisers, the social media giant clamped down on thousands of ad accounts within the last few months not to mention exorbitant costs.

And with the limited manpower (so they say) that Facebook has due to the pandemic, getting ad accounts and business managers reinstated is like going through the eye of a needle.

Fortunately, though, we still have Google Ads and Native ads. The downside to using native ads is that you won't have rich targeting options that will allow you to focus on a specific demographic. But the CPC of native ads is five to ten times cheaper than Facebook; that has got to make up for this lack in targeting.

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