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Guide First Impression of Adcash

We ended up implementing a similar policy with PeerFly where we would slowly remove publisher earnings if the publisher had not logged into their account in over a year or had any activity on their account. Of course, it was in our Terms the entire time we were in operation, but we didn't actually do it for over 7 years. We ended up having to do it simply because leaving the money in the publisher accounts because a HUGE liability. I'm sure it's the same situation with Adcash. Trust me, Adcash would rather you spend that money on their platform.

I had hard time sharing this story publicly, as I believe that we should all be in this together, and people and companies make mistakes. I know from WF how much the owner of this forum Luke has been against scams of any kind, and I doubt he would be ok that any network with rogue behaviors towards affiliates would be welcome here.
We are an open community so this type of discussion is more than welcome. It's an opportunity for everyone to improve. Now, I don't think what Adcash did in this case is necessarily wrong. However, I do think it would make sense for them to come up with some sort of agreement with you privately to get some of that money back on another deposit or something like that.

Clickadu recently completely suspended my account because it was inactive for like 6 months and I had money in it. I contacted them and got it unsuspended. They suspended it like 12 hours later AGAIN because I had not setup a new campaign lol. I hadn't even had a chance to setup a campaign yet. I emailed them and they opened it back up with a "last chance" type warning. Now, while I may not agree with their policy and think it's overaggressive, I also like their traffic and platform so I complied and setup a campaign.

We've also seen people talking about this type of think with RTX.

My recommendation would be for everyone to keep some sort of spreadsheet ledger that tells you how much money you have in each of your traffic source and affiliate network accounts. In fact, I should probably do this myself :D
Thank you everyone for answering, I really appreciate your input. :)

I've reached out to @Adcash as requested previously here.
Will update you all in this thread about where it goes from here.
Stay tuned!
@Adcash has responded to my mail with some good news.
They've offered a voucher for almost 100% of the funds that were in the legacy account.

In light of these news, I decided to create a "follow along" on AffLift, to keep things honest and motivated for all parties involved, where I'm gonna try and get something going with those funds, hopefully with support from the AdCash team.

Will try to honestly evaluate the quality of traffic, support and test different things in there, so I'm inviting you all to join me (tips are welcome, I will give my best to get up to speed fast).

Hopefully all of us will have an opportunity to learn something in the process.

Next step is final account setup, waiting for further details from AdCash, will keep the updates going.
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@Adcash has responded to my mail with some good news.
They've offered a voucher for almost 100% of the funds that were in the legacy account.


Hats off to @Adcash for going the extra mile to resolve this issue. Kudos guys.

In light of these news, I decided to create a "follow along" on AffLift, to keep things honest and motivated for all parties involved, where I'm gonna try and get something going with those funds, hopefully with support from the AdCash team.
Sounds like a great plan.
This has happened to me a couple of times with other networks.
Surprisingly I think I left around $300 in my Adcash managed account since I switched to the SSP and was happy to find that money back a few months ago. But I probably signed up under other Terms of Service since that account was back from 2014-2015 I think.

But year, 2 or 3 networks in the past had something similar happening to me and there wasn't much I could do besides speaking to my manager and see if we could meet a middle-ground solution. Other networks just busted and closed taking away a few hundred dollars each :/
Sorry, what is "SSP?"
Hey @izzynz, great question! 🌟

An SSP (Supply-Side Platform) is a technology platform that helps web publishers and digital media owners manage, sell, and optimize their available ad inventory (aka ad space) in an automated way. It's like the other side of the DSP (Demand-Side Platform). πŸ“ˆ

  • The SSP helps publishers get the best possible price for their ad space, using automated processes to optimize and sell their inventory efficiently.
  • The DSP's job, on the flip side, is to help advertisers buy ad space as efficiently and effectively as possible.

For a deeper dive into this topic and to clear up any DSP vs SSP confusion, check out this article on affLIFT:

πŸ‘‰ DSP vs SSP: Clearing-up the Difference

Hope this clears things up! πŸš€ Let me know if you have more questions.