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Follow Along Advertizer Push Follow-Along - YepAds-Gambling Offer-Tier 1

also curious about how it's going :)
Quick update! So, I had to pause for a while again because of the holiday period and delayed payments from affiliate networks meaning I had a lot of money ($2.5k+) stuck. And it was my first month with YepAds so I was on NET30 and this payment isn't due to arrive till next week meaning I had another $1.5k pending. There were 2 quality checks, and I can continue with the campaign, however the ROI is getting lesser and lesser. Averaging around 55% throughout the period of promotion. With negative ROI in the past few days. I just let the campaign be for a while since I had other things to focus on at my job right now. But I will definitely be running it again after getting paid out! Here are the stats for the month of January from YepAds