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Follow Along #ADSTERRAx2 Testing Dating offer with Adsterra Social Bar Smart CPM


Oct 6, 2022
๐ŸŽฏ Traffic Source:Adsterra
๐Ÿ”ง Tracking Tool: cpvlab pro
โœ… Affiliate Network: Multi-network
๐Ÿ‘ Type of Offer: CPA dating offer
๐Ÿ’ฐ Offer Payout: 3-13USD
๐Ÿ† I believe this campaign will be successful because:
I am using adsterra as a traffic souce for years, it is easy to see good result,just need some time and optimation
๐Ÿ” I am unsure about:
I am not sure if all dating offer works fine with Adsterra Social Bar Smart CPM , the keypoint is to find good offer. so you need test many offers, I will test serval offer one time, let's see how it goes.

thanks to Adsterra blackfriday promotion, I got a promotion code, deposit 500USD, and got extra $200 in balance. let's start now:
first I am going to test 4 GEO: SE, DE, NO, GB, different dating offer will be tested according to their performance.
relevent payout for these offers as below :
NO-Mob: two offer one 8EUR the other 13USD,

create my campaigns: choose CPM -Social bar -icon notification-statics,


creative is so easy, no words need, just one image will be ok, I test 2 -3 image one time,

4 campaigns are ready, got
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