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Follow Along 2020 Monetizer Contest - The Return



🧙🏻‍♂️ Wizard 🔮
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Community Leader
May 7, 2018
It's been a very long time since I've promoted Monitizer offers directly. Long ago in a land far away from here, I used to do this. It was a lot of fun with the system I had set up, but then I got bored and stopped. Too much automation can be both good and bad :ROFLMAO:

So this follow along is going to be my first campaign doing this in a very long time. I'm doing it manually too :)

Tracker: Binom
Affiliate Network: Monetizer
Traffic: Zeropark

I want to test out the push collection on the Monitizer smartlinks (seems pretty popular these days), so I've found a good performing offer that should also have the right targeting for collecting subscribers at the same time. I'm going to test push collection vs. no push collection by only enabling it on one link and disabling it on the other.

I've submitted my campaign to Zeropark just now, so we wait for
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