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Follow Along First Follow Along in a While...


🧙🏻‍♂️ Wizard 🔮
Staff Member
Community Leader
May 7, 2018
It’s been a while since I’ve done a follow-along on the forum, and recently Luke had a great idea that the community leaders do one, which is happening this month. We’re all running the same offer, which for now will be kept secret, but if there’s any interest by the end of the month (and/or the end of the follow-alongs) we plan to reveal it so anyone on the forum can run it.

One can hope this will be a success, but there’s obviously no guarantee. I haven’t tested this offer yet myself… so I have no idea apart from a good outcome I had years ago with a similar offer.

🎯 Traffic Source: PropellerAds + (maybe) some others

🔧 Tracking Tool: Booty Track v2.1

✅ Affiliate Network: Golden Goose

👍 Type of Offer: MVAS

💰 Offer Payout: Less than $1

🏆 I believe this campaign will be successful because: I had massive success on a similar offer a few years back; the offer page is still nearly the same.

🔍 I am unsure about: Getting this offer profitable at the current payout (GG seems to be taking higher margins than ever before 🤷‍♂️). I will likely need to lay down some volume in order to get a pay bump to
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