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🌟 AI-Generated Icons Pack (120+)– Push! πŸ’₯


Grand Guru
Aug 31, 2019
Here's a collection of creatives "Icons" +120 created using artificial intelligence. You can try them out in your campaigns.

There might be some minor issues if you zoom in on the images and look at the pixel sales, but it shouldn't be a problem since PUSH images appear small, and the difference is hard to notice.

I'll share a new batch later. If you're interested in a specific type of creatives or verticals, let me know in the comments, and I'll create icons for it! 🌟

Some images might be large in size. You can use free online tools to compress them, and if you'd like to remove the backgrounds, you can use

The folder size is around 100MB, and I couldn't upload it directly here. You can download it from Mediafire. Enjoy! πŸ“₯
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