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Case Study ⚡ The Fastest Trackers in 2025 ⚡

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Community Leader
May 2, 2018
Almost a year ago, I compared the redirect speeds for 8 different trackers. You can view my results here:

Members were happy with the test I’ve conducted, so I’ve decided to repeat this test once a year.

I haven’t noticed any new cloud based trackers on the market, so I’ll test these the same 8 trackers I’ve tested last year:
  1. @BeMob
  2. @Skro
  3. @MaxConv
  4. @PeerClick
  5. @Voluum
  6. @FunnelFlux Pro
  7. @ClickFlare
  8. @CPV One
And the 7 locations from which I’ve tested redirects speeds are also the same as last year:
  1. Vancouver
  2. London
  3. Sydney
  4. San Francisco
  5. Mumbai
  6. São Paulo
  7. Hong Kong

How did I test​

I used the same methods as in my previous test. In this test, I will not be buying traffic from traffic sources, but I will use the campaign URL and put it in the GTMetrix test from various locations. The only thing that interests me here is the time passed from the moment you open a campaign URL until the time you reach your landing page. I will not track the time needed for a landing page to load, since that is


  • results_2025.pdf
    90.1 KB · Views: 52
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