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How to overcome Propellerads traffic fluctuations?


Jun 5, 2023
An exclusive CPI offer, which performs very well in UAE, but in the past month, propellerads has confused me and I don’t know what to do.

I can only get a tiny amount of traffic through CPA Goal, and it can’t convert. If I use SCPM + Automatic bidding (2024/12/26), the traffic I get only gets LP CTR of 1%. In other words, I can’t get a high-value zone.

I have made high ROI zones as WL, but using CPM and observing Traffic estimator, there are less than 1k Impression / day. At the same time, I asked online support if there was a publisher blocking me, and they couldn’t reveal more information and told me that everything is normal.

Is there any way to solve this situation?


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