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Mondiad Follow Along Contest - $2500 in Prizes - $1k First Place! #MondiadSpring


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
With spring just around the corner, what about jumping into it with a refreshing new contest?

Mondiad has been working hard on many new features and improvements in the last year and they want to make sure everybody is aware of their potential! But, they don’t want to just tell you, they want to show you!

So, together we are launching this awesome follow along contest from February 20th until March 20th with $2,500 in prizes 🚀

Show off your skills and challenge yourself to a competition full of fun and exciting prizes!

💰 Mondiad Contest Prizes​

  1. The most voted follow along will get the top prize of $1,000.
  2. Another $1,500 will be split up among all qualifying participants.
  3. Get a deposit bonus coupon of 15% on your next deposit (capped to $100) for all the participants that are using the Mondiad Smart Rules and internal conversion tracker.

✅ How to participate:​

  1. Sign up on Mondiad (or if you have already an account you can use it).
  2. Start your campaigns with a minimum deposit of $100.
  3. Create a follow along for any affiliate marketing campaign you want to run. The thread needs to be created in the appropriate section of the forum (push or native) and should follow this template.
  4. Use the hashtag #MondiadSpring in your thread (follow along) title.
  5. Reply to this thread with the link to your follow along.
  6. Update your follow along at least 4 times with results from your campaign, changes/optimizations you are making, or any questions you might have for the community on how to improve your campaign, etc.
The best follow alongs may be posted on Mondiad blog/social media accounts.

🥇 Best Follow Along ($1,000 Prize)​

On March 21st, we will create a poll thread where you can vote for your favorite follow along created during this contest. The voting period will last one week. You can only vote once and you can’t change your vote afterwards. The winner (with the most votes) will receive $1000. All participants will receive their prize money within a day or two of the poll closing.

The $1500 participation prize money will be split up among all participants who qualify completing all the steps above excluding the main winner of the $1000 prize.

⭐️ Participating Follow Alongs​

Learn more about their traffic:

Good luck! If you need help or have any questions, you can reply below, message me, or message @Mondiad.
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Here is a look at some of their push volume:

Classic push:

In-page push:

Weird, I will ask @Mondiad to clear it up. But, it seems like you get the bonus after you've done your follow along for the next deposit :)
Sorry, @Tamas, for the misunderstanding!
The coupon is a prize in the contest (if you are entering the contest and use the Smart Optimization Rules + Conversion tracker) and will be sent to all eligible participants after the contest is over.

However, @Tamas & everyone else interested in participating in the contest, send a message to us, and we will provide you a promo code if you didn't work with Mondiad before!

Cheers! 🍻
Hi @noisyboy!

We see a lot of different campaigns like Sweepstakes, mVAS, Betting, Lead Gen, Antivirus, App installs, Dating, Ecommerce, and many others.
I think it's better to start with a vertical with which you already have some experience to speed up your success.

Good luck 🍻