
What the hell is a SmartLink?

Starting strong - SmartLink is an essential process that saves you both time and money while monetizing your traffic to the fullest.

SmartLink helps users improve their traffic and its efficiency. It combines multiple offers into a single link thanks to Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Afterward, it spreads traffic to offers with the highest EPC.

SmartLink works with your parameters, including the location and type of your device, as well as the age and sex of the client to improve your income.

P.S. While discussing GEOs, DE, AT, CH, US, UK bring the most profit. However, Geo Tier 2 & 3 are also worth your attention — make sure not to discard them.

A nice bonus is that SmartLink is compatible with every devicedesktop, mobiles, tablets, and even Smart-TVs.

You may be wondering… Where the best Smartlink is?

Well, Trafee, of course! Besides the basic features, Trafee’s affiliates are saving their precious time, as our system tests and selects the most suitable offers and prelands. Even though it isn’t possible to disable the system’s prelands, conversions on offers with prelands are seemingly higher (we’ve done a lot of experimenting). Moreover, it gets rid of bots early on!

The only thing that you need to do is simple. Create a SmartLink and start sending traffic. SmartLink will do everything else - analyze all the data, find the best converting offers, and suggest them to you!


Creating a SmartLink​

The SmartLink sends traffic equally. Traffic goes to the whole smart pool of offers, designated one by one. And even though the cap on the supply ends, the SmartLink can supply an alternate. To do this, the SmartLink can send a few clicks to completely different offers to search out the simplest possibility
If you’re kinda impatient like us - here’s another great factor for you: data analysis is done with incredible speed, and is updated constantly. Your target audience won’t see anything unnecessary. You’ll see a preland before you even know it!

What? You’re greedy and want even more advantages? Well, it’s not a big deal for us!

SmartLink’s advantages:​

  • You only focus on traffic, not landing and tests;
  • No need to create and store every single separate URLs for every campaign;
  • Conversions are over the roof and going even higher! Your income is, too.
  • No need for audience testing.
  • Send traffic from every source - even without targeting: your own websites, and social media communities.
  • No extra payments! You don’t have to register domains, pay for a VPS-server, or anything else.
  • Your eyes and mind will be resting - you don’t need to constantly monitor your offers (Even if they stop working, the system will connect to the next effective product automatically, so that your traffic isn’t lost)
  • SmartLink can perform various tests - including the quality of the source


Statistics from Dashboard​

Trafee has SmartLinks for different verticals - Adult dating, Gay dating, and Adult games, that work on PPS, PPL, and RevShare models. Moreover, we have sweepstakes on SOI, PPs, and CC Submit offers.

What other excuse do you have for not earning?