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Why we made Kintura FREE

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Are you using a disposable email address? We block those. If you message your email address I can check.
Hey @Kintura! First of all, thank you very much for providing a free plan of Kintura! After a full day test, I'm pleased with nearly everything Kintura provides.
However, there's one suggestion if I may provide: could you possible make the order of the columns of the drill down table customizable? Although I could deselect unwanted columns, but there is still a big distance between several columns which I need. So I have to scroll all the time. Thank you for your time!
Thanks for the feedback you guys. Not sure why it wouldn't make it to hotmail. We use Mailgun and have a dedicated mail ip. We're talking to them about it now.
Hotmail is always tricky. It's way more likely to go into spam when sending to Outlook/Hotmail, plus many people use their Hotmail addresses in Apple Mail or Gmail, which means they now have 2 spam filters.

So the email gets into spam on Hotmail and doesn't get forwarded to your Gmail/Apple Mail account. We've had that happen several times and most users have no idea that their emails are filtered twice.
@manu How nice to get advice from the email master 🙏

Spoke to mailgun about it and they said to set up an rDNS record. Hopefully that helps.
@Kintura Have you ever tried Amazon SES? It works well to my knowledge. Though I personally don't have experience with SES. I've been using a private Email service for years, which uses MailChannels to send out Emails. The guy is very professional in Email services. If you need, I think you could also chat with him to see what he could do. No affiliate relationship between me and him, or course, hahah
@kent thanks! Amazon SES we haven't tried yet and I'm not sure why because we use them for everything else. I will look into it!

-- Aaron
@kent thanks! Amazon SES we haven't tried yet and I'm not sure why because we use them for everything else. I will look into it!

-- Aaron

Great! Appreciated that I could give some little help! Ever since Mailgun changed their price policy about 2-3 years ago, I've left them. I've heard a few good feedbacks regarding SES. It will be my to-go choice when I will start my newsletter in a month or two.
Still a happy Mailgun customer here :D
How long does it take to get approved by @Kintura ? I applied Yesterday and hope to get approve soon.

Thank you
Yesterday I got approved for FREE account with Kintura. Thanks!
It took them 3 days to check. Everything went smoothly! I've applied through the AffLift link.
So, just to let others know the offer is still there.
The first impression is good.
I just need to know one thing @Kintura - is this free package also good to filter out Bots and humans behind proxy traffic ... because the network I recently get accepted ( @Adverten ) has hygiene rules then it comes to the traffic quality.
Yesterday I got approved for FREE account with Kintura. Thanks!
It took them 3 days to check. Everything went smoothly! I've applied through the AffLift link.
So, just to let others know the offer is still there.
The first impression is good.
I just need to know one thing @Kintura - is this free package also good to filter out Bots and humans behind proxy traffic ... because the network I recently get accepted ( @Adverten ) has hygiene rules then it comes to the traffic quality.
Proxy and Bot detection should work on the free plan.

You'll enable it through a filter on your campaign:


