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Tracking software for examples?


Which tracking software do you want me to use in my campaign examples?

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As long as it works for you. Then go for it. I started with clickmagick so I understand them both but as you know traffic is an science . What I love about this forum everyone is willing to help each other.

Yea Bemob seems to work fine, I am thinking of going to them as right now Voluum is costing too much as I am way over the 1mil events they let you have so the $100 monthly is usually closer to the $200 mark because of the overcharges.
Do you still use it? I haven't messed with it in a few years. I used to use it as well when they had the free downloadable version.
I am sure he will hook you up with a copy to use here for tutorial purposes hell it might turn into some sales for him. Nana has always been pretty cool to chat with.
CPV Lab anyone?

CPVLab is SHIT!!! The reason I said that is because I did buy a license and they never once released any updates in the full Year. It DOES NOT work with PHP7 or higher. I sent a support ticket asking for an update that works with PHP7 and higher and they replied that they were releasing a new version in a few days..... Well, that was about 6 Months ago and NOTHING!!! Don't waste your time or money. I uninstalled it and moved on. Sucks because it was a pretty good tracker.
I cannot afford Voluum but it does look awesome. I have a purchased copy of Prosper202, CPVLab (Doesn't Work With PHP7 or Higher) and Piwik. I just like to keep my data as private as possible from Google considering they hate affiliates. If I were making the Money to justify $99.00 per Month, than Voluum would be my choice.
I'll be using testeasily, first need to learn how to set it up correctly.
Luke I run an affiliate network too and do bit of media buy ourselves, but had issue with tracking BTW we use Afftrack. My question is can these tracking platform - Hasoffers, CAKE, AFFISE, AFFTRACK can be used by media buyers as well ?
Luke I run an affiliate network too and do bit of media buy ourselves, but had issue with tracking BTW we use Afftrack. My question is can these tracking platform - Hasoffers, CAKE, AFFISE, AFFTRACK can be used by media buyers as well ?
Yeah, there are big media buyers that use those platforms. Most use the regular trackers we're discussing though.
Voluum; it's the gold standard imo.
Hey Luke, Everybody talk about Voluum and CPAlab kind of tracker which most people do use already, could you not do something like hasoffers , CAKE or Affise once ..they are free too, well for 30 days
Hey Luke, Everybody talk about Voluum and CPAlab kind of tracker which most people do use already, could you not do something like hasoffers , CAKE or Affise once ..they are free too, well for 30 days
Those platforms are more for networks to run on. For simple campaign tracking, they're a little overkill in my opinion. I've honestly found everything I need for the most part on a campaign optimization level with Voluum.