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Sharing some Dating Landers



Grandpa affLIFT
Staff Member
Community Leader
Dec 1, 2018
I mentioned in my FA this month that I would share some landers so here they are :p

If you're feeling bored and would like to read my FA then you can find it here

I decided to share 3 dating landers I found while out a hunting on Anstrex, I then cleaned and tweaked them to my needs and now they are here for yours. Although I have 'cleaned' them I didn't go through the code to remove any errors or improve it in anyway, just removed what wasn't necessary and got it working.

Quick Disclaimer:
  • It is YOUR responsibility to check your landers and ensure they work how you want, these are provided as is and FOC for you to use how you wish
  • Also, as these are dating landers they do show semi clothed women, now they are safe for work but you wouldn't want people watching you look at these while at work as they'd probably think you were a total perv or something!!
Right lets get down to the landers, the first 2 are pretty similar and if you've ever spent any time looking for dating offer landers


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