
Case Study RTX Platform Case Study: Push Campaign Profits $365

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Thanks Luke.

How do you recommended optimizing push at RTX?

If I understand correctly, this is the hierarchy:

1. Channels
2. Publishers
3. Sites / Apps

I thinking we start from the bottom up (i.e. first Sites, then Publishers, and finally Channels).

Also, do you guys know which Channel is RTX's own push traffic?
Yes for this offer I ran a simple casino lander if you spy around it's on you'll see a ton.

It's been a while since i ran this but I think the payout was like 7-8 maybe for a lead (to lazy to look for exact payout right now).

For RTX a channel will have pubs those pubs will then have sites. Really I never mess with pubs it's really rare. I mainly block sites that just spend to much and dont convert or ones that spend but dont click my lander. Or I just pause the whole channel if it shows it no 0 chance of profiting.

Visits are people that clicked my push ad.

Sorry for not quoting everything but on my phone so lol makes it easier to just type it out.

I actually have another offer I ran a little while ago that paused and I plan to share that as well as another case study so stay tuned!
How do you recommended optimizing push at RTX?
You will likely have more data to optimize channels first since that's the biggest "group" for the traffic. You'll have more data to work with going down rather than up the hierarchy. The difficult thing is making sure you have significant data from each subset before removing them. So, starting at sites and working your way up will make sure you aren't cutting out sites that might perform well that just don't have enough data because you cut out the publisher.

I recommend getting some traffic going and then looking at each group of data for yourself and making decisions. It'll cost more to optimize based on Sites, but that's probably what I would do :)
Yes for this offer I ran a simple casino lander if you spy around it's on you'll see a ton.

It's been a while since i ran this but I think the payout was like 7-8 maybe for a lead (to lazy to look for exact payout right now).

For RTX a channel will have pubs those pubs will then have sites. Really I never mess with pubs it's really rare. I mainly block sites that just spend to much and dont convert or ones that spend but dont click my lander. Or I just pause the whole channel if it shows it no 0 chance of profiting.

Visits are people that clicked my push ad.

Sorry for not quoting everything but on my phone so lol makes it easier to just type it out.

I actually have another offer I ran a little while ago that paused and I plan to share that as well as another case study so stay tuned!
Thank u!