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PeerFly has Shut Down

While this was a hard decision to make, we wanted to do it while we still had the opportunity to exit with the respect of our thousands of affiliates and clients.

That might just be their reading of the future of CPA but it looks like there were issues beyond their control which would have forced things anyway.

Will be missed.
What are you thoughts on the current state of CPA affiliate marketing, its foreseeable future and in particular the future of traditional affiliate networks?
While I can't speak directly for Chad, based on my discussions with him, I believe he is talking specifically about the affiliate network model we applied with building, growing, and maintaining PeerFly. The first two sentences in that paragraph are the most important in my opinion:

Affiliate marketing is alive and well. However, the particular model that PeerFly was built on no longer represents the most efficient or cost-effective method for generating new sales and leads for advertisers.

We simply cannot make the business model we created work anymore. It worked for years and was very successful, but because of decisions we have made along the way, that same model simply doesn't work today. We tried to fix it, but we weren't successful.

I agree with Chad that affiliate marketing is alive and well today. That's one of the things that makes closing PeerFly so hard. We've made it through multiple low points in the industry over the past 11 years. At one point, PeerFly was making a majority of it's revenue from email submits. Then, within just a few months, regulations were pushed through and many of the email submit companies we were working with shut down. PeerFly ended up paying out A LOT of money to publishers that we were never paid by clients who simply closed their doors. Both the industry and PeerFly adjusted to that change and continued forward. A similar thing happened with the dating vertical once dating mobile apps got more popular. It took awhile for the traditional dating sites to make that change. There was a drastic decrease in the revenue generated and the entire industry saw a bit of a lull.

I do not believe affiliate marketing is going anywhere. The model is too attractive to companies that know how to manage an affiliate program. Affiliates are the marketing backbone. We do all the work while the company we are marketing for gets a majority of the benefit. Want proof? Start marketing your affLIFT referral link and I'll pay you whatever you want whenever you want for new paying members lol :)

There are outside factors that will disrupt the industry. There are also outside factors that will make things better in the industry. A few years ago, Booking brought their affiliate program into our industry by creating a CPA offer. I know affiliates who literally made millions of dollars from that alone. Lately, people have been making a TON of money with push notifications.

I believe that Facebook overall has hurt the industry over the past year or two. But, prior to that, Facebook benefited the industry tremendously. Years ago, Google was a big benefit to the industry. Not as much today.

So, what will be the next Facebook/Google to help drive business in the affiliate marketing industry? I'm not sure, but I have a feeling we'll be ahead of the curve here on affLIFT because we have thousands of people looking for it and ready to execute :D

Thanks and really appreciate your detailed reply. I just dont understand how fb and google hurts the business. They are not gods, google and facebook are still easy to tackle, Google shows instagram profile from 3rd party site which just scrapes from instagram on first and real instagram profile on the last in search results, and I can even advertise escort girl ad by showing ford escort to facebook editors and show the real page to normal visitors with proper cloaking.
Thanks and really appreciate your detailed reply. I just dont understand how fb and google hurts the business. They are not gods, google and facebook are still easy to tackle, Google shows instagram profile from 3rd party site which just scrapes from instagram on first and real instagram profile on the last in search results, and I can even advertise escort girl ad by showing ford escort to facebook editors and show the real page to normal visitors with proper cloaking.
While you may still be able to get things approved on both Google and Facebook, it's not nearly as easy as it used to be. In fact, your description of how you get things approved explains exactly what I am saying.

I used to run email submits on Facebook sidebar ads (the only ad format they had at the time) at a $0.25 CPM direct linking lol

Times change. I've said since the beginning that one of the things I like about the affiliate industry is that it's constantly changing. You aren't going to get bored. Unfortunately, PF closing is one of the results of that change that I didn't want.
Hi Luke,

Sorry to see PeerFly go. I've had great fun running Agoda and Booking there (though I don't make millions).

Speaking of Booking, I still have "pending" payments from Booking in PeerFly since last year. It is not visible in the new platform, but I have a screenshot from the old platform. Are they as good as gone?
I am sad to hear that Peerfly is closing. It was the first CPA network that I had joined years ago and you were my affiliate manager! I've learned alot since then but as for you my friend, you have the knowledge to just make BIG MONEY online promoting high ticket offers and using many traffic sources! Dude you'll be fine...just use your knowledge of these different traffic sources that you have mastered to make money and look into some passive income opportunities for yourself. Don't be sad since life evolves and changes but look at it as the next challenge in your life! You are special since you are good at what you do. So do what you do best and MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Go for the stars, go for what you want to make not what you know you can make! I have faith in you brother, your a go-getter! So start your new journey in life and GO FOR IT!!!! Wish you and your family all the best and keep aff-lift going so we can all share and learn from each other!
Dennis Dunn
A blessing in disguise!

We believe that it's one more chance for you to move forward!:)
Speaking of Booking, I still have "pending" payments from Booking in PeerFly since last year. It is not visible in the new platform, but I have a screenshot from the old platform. Are they as good as gone?
I am not sure about about pending Booking balances. I know Chad is planning to get all net30s and pending balances over the threshold out in August.

Wish you and your family all the best and keep aff-lift going so we can all share and learn from each other!
Really appreciate your kind words, Dennis.

Sad... Thanks to Luke still have couple PeerFly T-shirts from the conferences :p
Haha, those things might be worth some money someday ;) I have a closet full of shirts from closed affiliate companies. I wore one of my Above All Offers shirts to bed the other night.
It is really sad to hear that @peerfly shutdown. A couple of days ago I got approval from Peerfly as an affiliate.

But, it's part of the journey. @Luke I'll always be on afflift, because the support given by you it's outstanding.
WOW!!! This is not the news I ever thought I would ever hear. If PeerFly is shutting down I am sure there are more to follow. @Luke now that PeerFly is closing does this mean you will become more open about other networks and promoting their offers?
While I can't speak directly for Chad, based on my discussions with him, I believe he is talking specifically about the affiliate network model we applied with building, growing, and maintaining PeerFly. The first two sentences in that paragraph are the most important in my opinion:

Affiliate marketing is alive and well. However, the particular model that PeerFly was built on no longer represents the most efficient or cost-effective method for generating new sales and leads for advertisers.

We simply cannot make the business model we created work anymore. It worked for years and was very successful, but because of decisions we have made along the way, that same model simply doesn't work today. We tried to fix it, but we weren't successful.

I agree with Chad that affiliate marketing is alive and well today. That's one of the things that makes closing PeerFly so hard. We've made it through multiple low points in the industry over the past 11 years. At one point, PeerFly was making a majority of it's revenue from email submits. Then, within just a few months, regulations were pushed through and many of the email submit companies we were working with shut down. PeerFly ended up paying out A LOT of money to publishers that we were never paid by clients who simply closed their doors. Both the industry and PeerFly adjusted to that change and continued forward. A similar thing happened with the dating vertical once dating mobile apps got more popular. It took awhile for the traditional dating sites to make that change. There was a drastic decrease in the revenue generated and the entire industry saw a bit of a lull.

I do not believe affiliate marketing is going anywhere. The model is too attractive to companies that know how to manage an affiliate program. Affiliates are the marketing backbone. We do all the work while the company we are marketing for gets a majority of the benefit. Want proof? Start marketing your affLIFT referral link and I'll pay you whatever you want whenever you want for new paying members lol :)

There are outside factors that will disrupt the industry. There are also outside factors that will make things better in the industry. A few years ago, Booking brought their affiliate program into our industry by creating a CPA offer. I know affiliates who literally made millions of dollars from that alone. Lately, people have been making a TON of money with push notifications.

I believe that Facebook overall has hurt the industry over the past year or two. But, prior to that, Facebook benefited the industry tremendously. Years ago, Google was a big benefit to the industry. Not as much today.

So, what will be the next Facebook/Google to help drive business in the affiliate marketing industry? I'm not sure, but I have a feeling we'll be ahead of the curve here on affLIFT because we have thousands of people looking for it and ready to execute :D

Thanks Luke, on behalf of all! (y)
I think the model is changing. Many advertisers are now running their own affiliate programs and affiliates also want to run direct with advertisers to minimize revenue attrition. As a result, the market does not need affiliate networks that sort of act as a broker between affiliates and advertisers.

I am not sure what peerfly's business model was but this is just a general observation and every year I see the needle moving in that direction.
I think the model is changing. Many advertisers are now running their own affiliate programs and affiliates also want to run direct with advertisers to minimize revenue attrition. As a result, the market does not need affiliate networks that sort of act as a broker between affiliates and advertisers.

I am not sure what peerfly's business model was but this is just a general observation and every year I see the needle moving in that direction.
Also so many big affiliates have moved to dropshipping and ecom.