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Let's get some Pay Per Call offers going!


Sep 27, 2023
Hey Everyone!

I'm reaching out to seek and share information about launching pay per call (PPC) affiliate offers, and I know many others here are likely in the same boat. I've been running lead generation offers successfully, but transitioning to PPC has proven to be a challenge.

I'm looking for a detailed, start-to-finish guide on launching PPC offers.

Here are the specific areas I'm struggling with:

  1. Traffic source: I am planning on starting with Meta - Are you sending traffic to landing page or just using call feature directly on FB?
  2. Tracking: Setting up tracking – do you need tracking in addition to Ringba?
  3. Landing Pages: Best practices for creating landing pages that convert.
  4. Ringba Setup: Understanding the setup process for Ringba and its role in PPC.
  5. Finding Offers: Strategies for finding the right offers – do you source from networks and target individual offers, or do you have a Ringba account and rotate leads through multiple buyers?
I'm experienced in running lead generation campaigns, but the jump to PPC has been difficult for me. I believe having a solid, step-by-step guide would help not only me but also others in this community.

Let's get this
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