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How to Make a Non-Profitable Bundle Work?



Super Contributor
Aug 1, 2019
A successful bundle is a sure way to profit. Whenever you find yours, you will definitely stick to it and continue monetizing your offer in the best possible way.

A bundle - is a combination: traffic source + platform + OS + GEO, and more. The trick is that even if you found a perfect OS + GEO, it doesn’t mean that a chosen traffic source works best for it. This is what makes finding an efficient bundle complicated.

Each affiliate marketer should come up with his ideal bundle by practical consideration - experiments and meaningful data analysis can help you with that. If your bundle brings you profit and your ROI satisfies you - congratulations, you have found the best one. If not - don’t give up. And ProPush can help you improve the situation.

What to do?

A lot of affiliates ask if ProPush can fix the situation with a non-successful bundle. As we mentioned, finding a bundle that works for you is a matter of:
  • Meaningful testing. A/B testing is your ultimate way to define what works for your offer and what - doesn’t.

  • Experiments. Sometimes, even a minor change can
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