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Happy Birthday, affLIFT!



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Well, today is the big day. I've been talking about it for about a month now. Our community is officially 1 year old.

When I was getting the forum ready to launch, I created my introduction thread and I mentioned that I was worried affLIFT could fail. It's very difficult to launch a project like this. It's so dependent on building a community and that's hard to envision when you're still the only member of your community :)

One of the best decisions I've ever made was building my email list on my blog. It's the match that started the fire to a few successful businesses I've launched over the past few years.

Since it's launch, affLIFT has quickly grown into an amazing community. A culture has formed that I could not be more proud of. Everyone tries to be as helpful and friendly as possible. That's an environment anyone can enjoy and although it seems fairly obvious now, many communities in the industry are littered with egos and negativity.

Our culture is already so strong that it's easy to see the positive effect it's having on the community. We've had plenty of negative people join the forum, but they don't last long before they leave. Meanwhile, the positive and helpful members are helping the community thrive.

So, thank you to everyone. Our journey has just begun. The next generation of "super affiliates" will come from our community. It's just a matter of time.

Some fun stats from our first year. We had about...
  • 1,700 threads
  • 14,100 users
  • 17,000 messages
  • 100,000 in revenue (USD)
  • 1,000,000 emails sent
  • 1,500,000 Facebook Ad impressions
  • 2,000,000 pageviews
Here is a graph of our weekly average active users:

Onward and upward ๐Ÿš€
Luke, you put up quite a thing here. A really awesome forum for experienced and newbies to share ideas and grow as a community. I love this forum :) Great Job man and Happy Birthday! :)
Looks like somebody is fishing for some giphys!!

In all seriousness - Congrats Luke. This is a huge accomplishment. You do a fantastic job.

Congratulations with the first, but not the last year!
You are doing a very great job and we hope you will keep it going โค
Congratulations , HBD!!! Afflift is the best
Just went to upgrade to a lifetime membership & saw the birthday price.
Extra sweet day. Luke is giving back.

If you've thought about upgrading - now is probably a good time to click that upgrade button for those birthday prices (hopefully this wasn't supposed to be a secret).
Happy Birthday, Afflift, and may you have many more! I think I'll be around for a while. Fantastic job, Luke.
Haha, I wasn't sure about sharing revenue, but I think it's best to just be open and transparent with the community. We have a pretty healthy profit margin because we are a Company of One (great book btw) and I plan to keep it that way. It's going to give us the opportunity to continue to do really fun stuff like the contests and giveaways. Plus, there is never any reason to increase the price ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ‘
Good on you for being transparent, I think it's your transparency in the IM world that people admire, it's certainly helped me.

Will check out the book looks good.
One of my favourite community platforms to be a part of.

To this day I have no idea how you find time, energy and creativity to do everything that you do (and I don't mean with the forum only), but good thing you do. This one can get HUGE!

Congrats @Luke and happy birthday affLIFT!
