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Celebrating 11 Olympic Years of Adsterra | The Challenge Awaits! 🥳

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Apr 21, 2020

Celebrate Adsterra's 11th B-Day and win awesome prizes!

Wow, it’s hard to believe we’ve been on this sprint for 11 amazing years! As we complete another lap of this marathon, our excitement for the future is at an all-time high. 🙌

With the contagious buzz of the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics in the air, we want to celebrate 11 years of our own “ad-thleticism” in true sporting spirit! That’s why we welcome advertisers and publishers from all niches to try their skills and luck in our Olympic Challenge this summer. Everyone has a shot of winning fantastic prizes: $$$ bonuses, free Voluum plans, awesome swag boxes, and a grand prize!

Become a true Olympian by entering our challenge and showing your mastery. Check out our blog for the rules via the link below.

Click here to read the rules and join the challenge through our blog.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Here’s to many more years of
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