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August Contest with Zeropark - $1,000 in Prizes!

Thank you very much - it was just what I needed to stop reading and to start doing...thanks Luke and thanks to all those people who took the time to give me guidance. Congrats to the other winners!
I just joined yesterday, wish there was such incentive for September too :p
Congrats to the winners, it's a good way for a newcomer to check 14 potential great journeys
Just received my prize! Luke should be an affiliate network. Then maybe I'll get paid on time every time! 😁
I just joined yesterday, wish there was such incentive for September too :p
Congrats to the winners, it's a good way for a newcomer to check 14 potential great journeys
Welcome! We will be having another contest very soon :)

Sent out prizes to all the winners that replied so far with their PayPal email. I believe @Evadav wants to sponsor our next contest so I will be working with them to get things setup so we can launch it in a week or two :D
Thanks @Luke - I got the prize money. And because of you & this contest I have positive cash flow! LOL.

Thanks again - love these contests.