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1.5 years later - Do the Zeydoo survey offers still work?



🧙🏻‍♂️ Wizard 🔮
Staff Member
Community Leader
May 7, 2018
It’s been over 1 and a half years since I’ve ran any of the Zeydoo survey offers and published the Intermediate course. Since it was published, hundreds of affiliates have taken it with some finding success and profits.

The other day I was reading the forum and noticed quite a few complaints about the offers and it made me wonder… now that the offers are super saturated…. do they even still work?

I wanted run a quick test to see what’s up, if the offers still convert, and if they’re still a good starting point to learn the ropes of affiliate marketing.

I didn’t test too much. I literally used the same 6 landing pages I was using 2 years ago when I was quite easily able to pump out $xxx/day profit days. All in all I spent approximately $50 testing 7 different GEOs over 14 campaigns. Some GEOs went through up to 6 duplications, while others I never got around to duplicating at all.

The testing process I followed was very similar to how I show in the Intermediate course:
  1. Launch a single GEO campaign targeting everything the chosen offer (2025) accepts, which included all
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