Numbers, numbers everywhere. Honestly, I'm not that excited... 75k members? , yeaa, but how many are constantly active, 20? 50 on propeller promo code posts and maybe 100 members on contest months. At least that's what I'm seeing since I've joined and I hate it.
A forum/community (especially a paid one) is not necessarily a necessity at all time for all members. Especially those on a tight budget. So, the more we grow the member base (both paid and unpaid), the more activity we will see over time.
We have over 400 members active on the forum daily, but many are lurkers who do not post (or cannot post). This is also common. Consider the 80/20 rule and apply it to our community. 80% of the output (content) will be produced by 20% of the input (members).
To be honest, the forum wouldn't be able to function if everyone was active all the time. We've had it happen and it's hard to keep up with.
Do I hope we will have more members active and continue to grow our daily active user metric? Of course!
But, I am very excited by the 75k milestone. I look at the lurkers and unpaid members as leads. We're going to have to continue to entice them every single day with great content and a reason to participate. Nurture the leads!
So, what should we do next to bring more in and get you (and them) excited? I'm planning a very open contest and promotion for Monday. What else?
Edit: Another factor in activity is that our industry has a fairly high turnover rate. But, a high percentage of people do come back. During the crypto craze we saw many members shift their focus entirely to that (including some industry legends). I don't hear much about crypto from them anymore and I've seen some come back to the affiliate marketing realm. Having those people as members is a huge benefit as they're much more likely to return to the community eventually
Anyway, I don't think I need to defend the reason for my excitement of us hitting 75,000 members, but I thought it was a good opportunity to explain my thoughts activity numbers