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Hey, it's me!



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
My name is Luke. I am creating the first introduction on this forum. It seems odd to give an introduction to no one, but I want there to be some content for the flood of new members on Monday.

We've got to start somewhere right?

I'll be honest, I am nervous about launching this forum. I believe it should be successful, but everyone has a nagging feeling that they're going to fail when starting something new. There are a lot of variables.

But, with this forum, if we work hard, I think it truly will give everyone a LIFT :)

So, let me tell you a bit about me. I started in the affiliate industry was I was around 15 years old (about 15 years ago). I taught myself how to program and build websites when I was in 7-8th grade. Learning PHP and MySQL has been the single most valuable thing I have ever done professionally. Giving affiliate marketing and this industry a chance is a close second. They also go hand-in-hand in a lot of cases.

My first affiliate marketing campaign was a 60's music CD on Google AdWords. It was simple and effective. I
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