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PeerFly has Shut Down

We still haven't been paid out. Has anyone else received payments still owing to them?
Last payment was for balance on 31-6
All July's earnings wasn't paid
Itsnt much " thanks God" ..
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We still haven't been paid out. Has anyone else received payments still owing to them?
Last payment was for balance on 31-6
All July's earnings wasn't paid
Itsnt much " thanks God" ..
Last I heard, there were less than 10 payments owed still from people who had balances over the threshold. That was a few weeks ago.
ast I heard, there were less than 10 payments owed still from people who had balances over the threshold. That was a few weeks ago
Less than 10 , so im sure im one of them :)
I didn't get paid since they have closed, I've sent chad two emails and he didn't reply, I thought they won't pay anyone , so why some people got paid and others not ?
my balance was over 1k


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I didn't get paid since they have closed, I've sent chad two emails and he didn't reply, I thought they won't pay anyone , so why some people got paid and others not ?
my balance was over 1k
As far as I know, Chad is working on getting everyone paid that was over the balance and is due payment. The issue is PeerFly has no money. So, payments are being made to publishers as they come in from clients. There are companies that owned the offers that PeerFly publishers were promoting that still have not paid PeerFly. Chad is working to collect those payments so the publishers that are still due can be paid. That is why not everyone has been paid yet.

Anyway, I will update the thread if I receive any updates.
Actually I have received reply from Chad and he is working with a collections agency to collect overdue balances from some advertisers. It will take some time I guess. Anyway I think Peerfly is a trusted network and Chad is trying his best to solve the issue.

Let's hope we all can get the balance paid soon.
As far as I know, Chad is working on getting everyone paid that was over the balance and is due payment. The issue is PeerFly has no money. So, payments are being made to publishers as they come in from clients. There are companies that owned the offers that PeerFly publishers were promoting that still have not paid PeerFly. Chad is working to collect those payments so the publishers that are still due can be paid. That is why not everyone has been paid yet.

Anyway, I will update the thread if I receive any updates.

Luke, we should of JV'd together and bought it :)
Thanks for the updates everyone.

I don't have high hopes of Peerfly been paid out by all the advertisers. Considering Peerfly has shut down they have no motivation to do so.
Even at the best of times some advertisers try to get out of paying.

Hopefully however they do show some integrity and pay Peerfly what is owed.
Now, which other CPA firm can be regarded as an alternative to Peerfly?
You can find the affiliate networks we recommend here:

While I can't speak directly for Chad, based on my discussions with him, I believe he is talking specifically about the affiliate network model we applied with building, growing, and maintaining PeerFly. The first two sentences in that paragraph are the most important in my opinion:

Affiliate marketing is alive and well. However, the particular model that PeerFly was built on no longer represents the most efficient or cost-effective method for generating new sales and leads for advertisers.

We simply cannot make the business model we created work anymore. It worked for years and was very successful, but because of decisions we have made along the way, that same model simply doesn't work today. We tried to fix it, but we weren't successful.

I agree with Chad that affiliate marketing is alive and well today. That's one of the things that makes closing PeerFly so hard. We've made it through multiple low points in the industry over the past 11 years. At one point, PeerFly was making a majority of it's revenue from email submits. Then, within just a few months, regulations were pushed through and many of the email submit companies we were working with shut down. PeerFly ended up paying out A LOT of money to publishers that we were never paid by clients who simply closed their doors. Both the industry and PeerFly adjusted to that change and continued forward. A similar thing happened with the dating vertical once dating mobile apps got more popular. It took awhile for the traditional dating sites to make that change. There was a drastic decrease in the revenue generated and the entire industry saw a bit of a lull.

I do not believe affiliate marketing is going anywhere. The model is too attractive to companies that know how to manage an affiliate program. Affiliates are the marketing backbone. We do all the work while the company we are marketing for gets a majority of the benefit. Want proof? Start marketing your affLIFT referral link and I'll pay you whatever you want whenever you want for new paying members lol :)

There are outside factors that will disrupt the industry. There are also outside factors that will make things better in the industry. A few years ago, Booking brought their affiliate program into our industry by creating a CPA offer. I know affiliates who literally made millions of dollars from that alone. Lately, people have been making a TON of money with push notifications.

I believe that Facebook overall has hurt the industry over the past year or two. But, prior to that, Facebook benefited the industry tremendously. Years ago, Google was a big benefit to the industry. Not as much today.

So, what will be the next Facebook/Google to help drive business in the affiliate marketing industry? I'm not sure, but I have a feeling we'll be ahead of the curve here on affLIFT because we have thousands of people looking for it and ready to execute :D

The last one 😎
strong symbolic value for you, I guess.