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Landing page/SSL blocked in 1 geo?



Jul 15, 2024
I've had a weird issue, a first for me and just wanted to check if anyone else had this happen to them before.

All of a sudden 1 of my geos (france) started performing really bad, on further inspection the landing page CTR dropped massively (let's say from 20% to 0.x%).

I checked the domain but it seemed to be working properly, no flags as far as I can see. Other geos on the same domain/landing page have no issues.

After swapping the domain things were working fine.

Now when checking it with a french residential ISP I actually get an error about the SSL certificate.

How is this possible for just 1 geo? Wouldn't the certificate just stop working globally?

I've googled but couldn't find the answer. This is the error:

This site can’t provide a secure connection

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