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Follow Along Zeropark-Voluum-Push/Pop/domain


Super Contributor
Apr 30, 2018
My weakness is that I start and I do not do consistent work each day. So I am approaching the competition slightly differently. I am doing it the way that @servandosilva does his follow along - just recording each day what I am doing.
I attended the webinar for Voluum on Tuesday and carefully considered what my learning plan should be while focusing on this forum and the contest.
I have decided to go for the Basic package annual. This gives me additional support. I have a few private offers I would like to use to learn the ropes - Luke's products and another. They are all safe with forgiving owners so no fear of being kicked off or banned from anything. If I screw up then the owners will warn me.

My plan is to focus on 1 product first - use a budget of $600 testing dollars and test each with push, with pop and with domain redirects with $200 each. Use the same product.

❓ Not sure how to test various presell pages.
❓ Not sure if I should just test one method to one product until profitable.
The choice might become
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