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Guide The World's Finest Collection of Clickbait and Other Examples of Cool Marketing from Around the World - John's Swipe File


Super Contributor
Apr 16, 2021
I am excited to see that we finally have a copywriting section here on Afflift. This is my strongest area in terms of marketing. This will be my official thread for sharing my insights and hopefully make you a better marketer.

A little bit about me:
  • I specialize in designing my own hard-to-convert finance offers with a high ticket price.
  • The bulk of my experience has been working in the Americas and English-speaking geos.
    • USA, Canada, Mexico, Peru, and Australia have been my main geos. They have asked me to do more in the UK now.
    • I have worked in India and sub-Saharan Africa, before, too.
  • My marketing philosophy is heavily based on understanding the differences in local cultures and only marketing in geos I feel comfortable with.
  • I also try to market as clean as possible. If you do not market cleanly, you will get chargebacks.
    • The most annoying thing is the world is waking up to a chargeback as a merchant. It's a time vampire fighting them. I have seen some horrific pre-landers mentioning famous people like Alex Trebek's non-profit foundation (?) that gave CBD oil to Tom Hanks and
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