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Snapchat S2S Tracking is Here (with click IDs!)



Super Contributor
Mar 5, 2020
Howdy, just a quick PSA!

Almost a year ago I started setting up an integration for FunnelFlux Pro > Snapchat... only to learn that S2S tracking was impractical for most affiliates as they did not have click IDs.

The only way to pass conversions was using email/phone data... which is a bit useless for most affiliates (who either don't collect this info directly because of the offer type, or couldn't possibly have advertisers pass it to them).

After working with a client on this and much back and forth with Snapchat engineers... and pressuring them many times to add click IDs (apparently there was internal pushback about using them for privacy reasons -- wut?)... finally they have done it!

I'm not saying I directly caused this but pretty sure myself and an affiliate helped push them in the right direction! Finally they are comparable to TikTok and FB for basic server-to-server conversion tracking.

How to use it? Well, if you're an FF Pro customer, I have already finished the integration, added a custom scenario and help doc. I rushed to get this done in a few hours (out of excitement, having waited the better part of a year).

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