Drive high-converting traffic for your iGaming campaigns from 35k+ publishers, 248 GEOs and unique Social Bar ad format!

Case Study Running the Non-mainstream offer at HilltopAds: ROI 173,025%



Jan 4, 2021
Launching a successful Non-mainstream game campaign on HilltopAds involves careful planning, creativity, and ongoing optimization. With the right strategy and
a commitment to testing and refining your approach, you can tap into the potential of the Non-mainstream game niche and achieve profitable results.

This guide will walk you through the essential steps for a successful Non-mainstream game campaign on the HilltopAds platform.

Key points of the case study​

Offer: Non-mainstream game
Offer source: Direct Advertiser
Traffic source: HilltopAds
Ad Format: Popunder mobile
Ad campaign period: 5 - 11 October
Traffic Channel: Non-mainstream high and medium activity
Spending: $945.81
Conversions: 479
Earnings: $2 582.3
ROI: 173.03%

Settings of the ad campaign at HilltopAds​

Before launching an advertising campaign on HilltopAds, you need to register as an advertiser. You can register using this link.

Next, to create an advertising campaign, you need to:

  • Go to the Manage Campaigns section
  • Click the Add Campaign button
  • In the campaign creation section, select the Popunder mobile ad format
  • In the Traffic Channels section, choose Non-mainstream high and medium activity
Next, it's essential to set up the Postback to track the results of
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