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Case Study Running the Casino offer at HilltopAds: ROI 182,73%



Jan 4, 2021
Today, we'll talk about the successful launch of the Casino offer from a direct advertiser in the HilltopAds advertising network. Casino offers are one of the most attractive types of offers that work on Popunders well. But you need to optimize advertising campaigns to get high profit.

Key points of the case study​

Offer: Casino Gambling
Offer source: Direct Advertiser
Traffic source: HilltopAds
Ad Format: Popunder mobile
Ad campaign period: 17-19 September
GEO: Brazil
Traffic Channel: Mainstream and non-mainstream
Spending: $102,67
Conversions: 33
Earnings: $290,28
ROI: 182,73%

Settings of the ad campaign at HilltopAds​

Before launching an advertising campaign on HilltopAds, you need to register as an advertiser. You can register using this link.

Next, to create an advertising campaign, you need to:

  • Go to the Manage Campaigns section
  • Click the Add Campaign button
  • In the campaign creation section, select the Popunder mobile ad format
  • In the Traffic Channels section, choose Non-mainstream or Mainstream High Activity
We have created the ad campaign chosen both Mainstream and Non-mainstream. But we recommend you to create separate ad campaigns to amalize and optimize it easier.

We recommend starting your first campaigns on the High and Medium Activity traffic segment. This way, your ads
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