Notifadz by Adrenalead
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How high over spend is acceptable?


Super Contributor
Feb 23, 2020
Before I begin, I just want to say that I'm not looking to put anyone in a bad light. I'm just trying to make sense of my lastest experience. So please keep it civil. :)

A few days ago I decided to try out a new traffic source for my gambling campaigns. I'd heard good things about @RichAds and wanted to try them out, especially after watching their webinar with @varunkeskar. So I signed up and deposited $150 to run a small test with a proven funnel.

The campaign I created had a bid of $0.5 CPC (it's a competitive T1 GEO), the network's own auto optimization rules set to pause sites with spend over $5 and 0 conversions. The daily budget was set to $120 because I only intended to gauge the traffic before investing more money.

When I had $90 left on my account (so ~$60 spend) and 0 conversions, I decided it was time to pause the campaign and see if there were any conversions coming in. As expected, since it's a push campaign, there were late clicks coming in. No problem. However, they didn't seem to stop coming in and my funds were crawling towards
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