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Follow Along Galaksion+Pop=💰 *Contest entry*


Aiden L

Apr 25, 2021

Traffic source: Galaksion
Traffic type: POP
Affiliate Network: Zeydoo/mobipium/gg
Offer type: SOI/mvas
Geo: WW

Hello team, you may know me from small follow alongs like First FA-pops then we'll see :) or you don't know me at all (probably the latter ;)). People that do know me well enough, know I just love spending money like a pleb... So that's why i'm taking on a few of the top geos (and some teeny-tiny ones) as my first ever campaign on Galaksion🥳 At the minute it is currently in moderation but if galaksion's support is as quick as what people say (which i'm positive they are) my campaign should be up and running in a flash.

How to start your own Galaksion campaign from scratch:
What you will need
1-A tracker so that you can properly analyse your stats as they come in.
2-An offer from an affiliate network, you can find a list of those here
3-A decent budget, min deposit is $50 but I would recommend putting $100 or over in :)
4-Most importantly a level of resilience (not just for
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