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[COMPETITION] Create a meme and participate in the competition!


Grand Guru
Jun 19, 2019

The competition in which you have the opportunity to win an extremely comfortable Silver Monkey SMG gaming chair and a personalized bathrobe with the MyLead logo has just started!

There are two things that have to be done. Create a meme or other creative form referring to MyLead, affiliate marketing or our animation. It all depends on you! Additionally, for the duration of the competition, generate the amount of $20 on your MyLead account.

Your tasks step by step:
  1. Create a meme or other creative form.
  2. Generate the amount of $20 on your MyLead account.
  3. Comment on this thread and send us your creation. In addition, add in the comment that you have already earned $20. Also, enter your nickname from MyLead.
  4. If you meet all the conditions, your meme will participate in the voting.

People will decide which meme wins! The creator will win the Silver Monkey SMG gaming chair and a personalized bathrobe with the MyLead logo! So? Are you in?

  1. The competition takes place from August 18, 2021 to October 18, 2021.
  2. In order to take part in the competition, you must complete all the required steps - creating a meme or other creative form, generating the amount of $20 on the MyLead publisher's account during the competition. You should also post on this topic confirming that you have completed all the steps. The post should contain: a meme or other creative form, information about generating $20 and a nickname that the contestant uses to log into the MyLead panel.
  3. After two months, all memes or other creations sent from participants who met all the conditions described in point 2 will be collected. The submitted works will be subject to voting, which will take place between October 22, 2021 - November 8, 2021. All Internet users can vote.
  4. The participant whose meme or other creation received the most points will receive a prize, i.e. the Silver Monkey SMG 750 gaming chair and a personalized bathrobe with the MyLead logo.
  5. One person = one prize.
  6. Detailed rules of the competition can be found here.
Why am I so late ??? 🥲🥲🥲

I want to win .. but time's up ... :(
Is there any chance you'll create another competition in the near future?

✿ Samira ✿
Why am I so late ??? 🥲🥲🥲

I want to win .. but time's up ... :(
Is there any chance you'll create another competition in the near future?

✿ Samira ✿
Oh, we're so sorry you're late. :( Unfortunately as you can see the contest is over. Surely there will be more than one chance to take part in a competition on MyLead. 😎 We recommend you keep an eye on our social media. We also always announce contests in the publisher's panel in news or notifications. We hope to make it next time! 🤑

Regards, Magda, MyLead