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Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Recently, I've noticed quite a few of our members changing their usernames to the actual names (@Varun @Jimmy @Neil @MartinB). When I started affLIFT and created user #1, I went with my name. I'm glad I did. It makes it much for other members to know how to tag/mention me and I'm sure by now someone else would have taken it. Plus, it looks cool :cool:

A few months ago I made it so you can change your username at any time.

So, now is the time to claim your name 👇

Our community has grown to over 61,000 people. New usernames are being registered every half hour.

⭐ If you would like to claim your name but someone else has already taken it, PM me. If the user has not been active for over 2 years, I will switch your username to it.

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