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Chrome 84 - What Is Going to Happen?



Super Contributor
Jul 23, 2019
Hey guys, chrome 84 is right around the corner and everybody is curious about the future of Push ads. We've written about the coming changes that would start on July 14th, and we thought we'd share it with you, so there it is:

Updates in Chrome 84
Whenever Google releases a new Chrome update, things get a bit frantic. This is because Chrome updates can directly affect affiliate marketing in several ways. The upcoming Chrome 84 brings numerous updates, and most relevant to advertisers are the privacy features.

Chrome 84 changes focus on using enterprise-centric solutions to improve the overall browser compatibility. Chrome acknowledges the hardships that a developer can face in making a website or web app work across different browsers. By updating features like scrolling across different browsers, form control, layout updates, and so forth, the Chrome 84 aims at developing a smarter and more compatible browser by 2021.

According to Google’s Chromium blog post, dated June 18, 2020, a survey was conducted by MDN in March 2020 that highlighted the main browser compatibility issues that users and developers frequently face. The new Chrome 84 will target those issues to provide developers and users with
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