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Bitter, Cynical, Angry, Frustrated and Downright Pissed Off about How Much Time & Money I've Wasted...


Super Contributor
Jan 2, 2020
Hi all...

I'm not new to affiliate marketing, but I am totally new to the CPA side of things.

I got tired of the same old marketers selling the same old 'shiny new shit' to everyone - pretending to be 'real' affiliate marketers who could teach anyone how to do it also -for an extortionate price.

They are at best 'copy & paste' liars - not even proficient copywriters!

It soon became clear that the majority were fakes and the rest just 'winging it'.

The sheer audacity of these people makes my blood boil.:mad: But I did learn one thing of value...

I do not want to become one of 'those marketers' - so it's time I learnt some 'real skills' from some 'real marketers'...:)

Hence, I'm all in at affLIFT from now on.

I'm cleaning the slate, starting from scratch, getting back to basics etc...

Maybe this forum will have a positive effect on me - God knows I need to 'calm down!'
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Welcome to AffLIFT @Scouser
I'm not new to affiliate marketing, but I am totally new to the CPA side of thing
I reckon that a background in affiliate marketing is going to be a great foundation, particularly to help with insights into the actual 'marketing' part of the game (which I think few people understand when they're doing the pure CPA stuff). Have you done any paid traffic/media buying before? That's probably the biggest learning curve if it's new to you - particularly the focus on tracking and optimizing campaign targeting.
I got tired of the same old marketers selling the same old 'shiny new shit' to everyone - pretending to be 'real' affiliate marketers who could teach anyone how to do it also -for an extortionate price.

They are at best 'copy & paste' liars - not even proficient copywriters!

It soon became clear that the majority were fakes and the rest just 'winging it'.

The sheer audacity of these people makes my blood boil.:mad:
Definitely some of those around. But don't worry. What goes around...
Hence, I'm all in at affLIFT from now on.

I'm cleaning the slate, starting from scratch, getting back to basics etc...

Maybe this forum will have a positive effect on me - God knows I need it..!
The ethos of AffLIFT is welcoming, supportive and helpful, so jump in and get involved. Some of the best affiliate marketers in the industry are really active here and want to see you succeed.

If you want the best crash course in what the CPA framework/process is all about, work through this:

You'll also find a lot going on at the moment in celebration of AffLIFT's 2nd Birthday, so make sure you check these out:

I got tired of the same old marketers selling the same old 'shiny new shit' to everyone - pretending to be 'real' affiliate marketers who could teach anyone how to do it also -for an extortionate price.
The amount of affiliates in the space outside of affLIFT that are actually providing value is dwindling. This is probably good for us, but is unfortunate for the industry as a whole. When I got started, there were tons of affiliate marketing blogs and resources. I even made a website to compile it all! lol (it still exists, but I sold it years and years ago).

Anyway, the industry changes, but the stuff the fake guys are selling doesn't. That's how you know when you've found a good resource. It's actually up-to-date and has recent information collected from recent campaigns.

That's what we're doing here at affLIFT :)

So, you've found the right place. Now, it's time to take action πŸ‘
Welcome to the forum!

With some background you could get started easily in a few days I guess.
The amount of affiliates in the space outside of affLIFT that are actually providing value is dwindling. This is probably good for us, but is unfortunate for the industry as a whole. When I got started, there were tons of affiliate marketing blogs and resources. I even made a website to compile it all! lol

Probably because the competition is getting tighter by the day.

That aside, welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the forums @Scouser, @jimmyvanilla has given you a fair few posts to get you started so I'll just say it's great to have you hear :cool: (y)

Welcome aboard, I hope you get less pissed off the longer you are here! :)
@Scouser I came from the same place you did.

There are many full timers on here who do very well.
I've made my first $100.00 plus dollars from being involved with afflift.
I see myself going full time soon if I stay focused, and put the work in.

One of the full timers replied to you > @servandosilva He spends thousands on campaigns just to teach us stuff.

You are in the best place!

I think Afflift may even be better than STM by now.


Sorry if I said too much.
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I got tired of the same old marketers selling the same old 'shiny new shit' to everyone - pretending to be 'real' affiliate marketers who could teach anyone how to do it also -for an extortionate price.

I hear you loud and clear brother and unfortunately can identity with you.

I got into CPA 6 months ago based on a webinar I had attended which hyped up CPA to make it look like a sure thing and with a little work and low investment I would be making a lot of money right away.

It's only when I came to this forum that I began to see and experience the reality of CPA. We have spent 2k mainly on learning CPA with only a few hundred on actual campaigns. The frustration level over the past 6 months with trying to learn a very complicated CPA career certainly wasn't expected.

I have been tempted to give up many times out of frustration and anger just like you but because I have put so much of my time and efforts into trying to learn CPA it is even harder to just give up so I will keep on pushing as best as I can until something gives or I am successful.

Best I can say to you is maybe do like me, whenever the frustrations hit, try to step back, regroup and keep on pushing, wishing you lots of luck and success!
Oh as a follow up, I had forgotten to mention that it was this forum and the very helpful guys here which got me to where I'm at in learning CPA so you've come to a good place. No one here will promise you that CPA is a bed of roses, here you will see the reality of CPA but with hard work and perseverance it can pay off.
Thank you Hopeful.

I know there is a great big mountain to climb in front of me, but I feel I've finally found a place where I can trust people to help me move forward.

I had mistakenly surrounded myself with people who I thought were trying to help me and be my 'friend' when of course all they were doing was trying to make sale after sale, upsell after upsell...

Blind faith kept me from progressing because I was repeating the same mistakes over and over, like so many newbie marketers who suffer from 'Shiny New Shit' syndrome. (I purposely changed 'Object' to 'Shit' because that's what it really is - sorry if it's a bit offensive).

I am prepared to lose a couple of thousand along the way, as long as I am learning, or 'buying data' as someone nicely put it. That's a good way to see it.

In the UK, a student can spend over Β£60,000 and study for 4 to 5 years with no guarantee of a job at the end of it (or a degree for that matter), and begin their career in massive debt, with no job and little prospects, especially now this virus has hit us - the world is forever going to be a different place.

If I look at it as an investment in myself and put the work in, I'm certain I will be in a better place at the end of those same 4 years...not to mention the fact that I will be my own boss and I will be able to determine my own future - at least that's the goal...

It has taken me quite a few thousand dollars and as many hours, but hey - I've learned a heck of a lot so far, and you can't buy that experience.

Looking at the title of this post, and after reading and talking to people at the forum, my mindset is changing and I am actually looking forward to getting stuck into a new adventure in affiliate marketing.

I'm getting that spark back - I feel optimistic about the future once again!

I hadn't completely lost my faith, I just needed a reminder that there are still good people out there, genuine and willing to help those of us less knowledgeable, without an ulterior motive.

I'm so glad I found this forum and the great people in it - that's why I signed up for a lifetime membership.

It feels like I've found a home at last.

Thank again Hopeful. Let's hope we can both make it you said: "keep on pushing and never give up"...

I've got new boots on and I'm ready to climb that mountain. See you at the top...
Good luck Scouser. You are in the right place. It takes time and practice to get good at this stuff, but it helps to have a place like this to push you in the right direction.
Even after 6 months of learning I have only scratched the surface. Seems CPA is like a tree with never-ending expanding branches, you go one route and it opens up into different areas.

Yes, I think we need to be realistic about CPA especially if the Stats are correct that 90% of people trying CPA ending up failing!

I can certainly attest to the guys here and their willingness to help so we are in the right place to give us the best chances for success but at the end of the day it will be up to us if we are to make it or not.

I must say Scouser that your words are inspiring to me [thank you]. You have an even better perspective and more optimism than I do tbh. So yes
hoping and praying that you, myself and all newcomers in our situation can stay the course, will overcome all of the many hurdles which will come our way, be able to persevere and ultimately succeed!
I'm good at some things, other things I'm not so good at...If I can help anyone in any way, I'll be glad to do it. We'll get there together eventually... :)

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