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Follow Along PropellerAds Contest, Push + CPA Goal: Back to the basics


Grand Guru
Dec 17, 2018
So, back to the basics with my bread and butter vertical. I'll be promoting two similar offers in the finance vertical. Two distinct geos going via two distinct prelanders. I've used similar prelanders in the past but not in these specific geos so a slight unknown quantity there.

๐ŸŽฏ Traffic Source: PropellerAds
๐Ÿ”ง Tracking Tool: Bemob
โœ… Affiliate Network: HugeOffers
๐Ÿ‘ Type of Offer:
๐Ÿ’ฐ Offer Payout: Varies
๐Ÿ† I believe this campaign will be successful because: It's the vertical I promote
๐Ÿ” I am unsure about: How effective pre-landers will be for the particular geos.

Ordinarily for these geos, I'd plug in a link to the final offer page and not worry about prelanders but since I do a lot of email marketing, I might as well get the signup emails from the prelanders as well. Also, there is more scope to retarget with prelanders and I've already connected everything to a CRM, so I can do some pretty decent CPL deals with brokers I work with directly for anything that doesn't convert on the front-end.

Finance offers are coming under very close scrutiny as well which kind of makes prelanders a necessity anyway. I've got a
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