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Super Contributor
Feb 8, 2021
Hey Guys,

Need some advice from everyone and anyone, I think I am lacking something here.
Starting from the start I am still very new in AM, I started around Oct-Nov 2020.
Have been working to hone my skill in this field ever since. Now all this while I have been testing Push Ads.
Have had moderate success in Jan, found some good offers. Touched 100$/day milestone for a day, made around 500$.

But ever since that I have been struggling to find good offers. Which makes me think that maybe I am doing something wrong.
I have been testing mobile content offers as well as sweeps. Was not messing with Tier 1 Geos but I did try 1 or 2 of them recently.

Now my experience with mobile content offers is bad, I don't know how to promote them, I don't know what LP to use.
Sometimes they do work of direct linking but I can't get them to work that way either. Plus I feel they are very inconsistent in terms of conversions.
So I recently decided to stick on to sweep for a while.

Now if you look at the stats I seem to be
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