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80/20 Rule with Affiliate Marketing



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
First, if you have not heard of the 80/20 Rule or Pareto principle, you can find out all about it here:

Basically, it says that 80% of your effects come from 20% of your causes. Or, 80% of your output come from 20% of your input.

The example they use on the wikipedia page is nice:


So, how does it apply to affiliate marketing? Well, if it holds true, 80% of your revenue would come from just 20% of your clicks. Or, potentially, 80% of your revenue would come from just 20% of your campaigns.

My results have been different than that though. I would say my results are closer to 95/5.

95% of my revenue comes from 5% of my campaigns.

I am interested in this so I decided to try to apply the 80/20 rule analysis to a recent push notification campaign I ran. With that campaign, I received traffic from 1200 different ZoneIDs on PropellerAds. That's a lot of ZoneIDs!

Can you guess how much of my revenue was generated by the top 20% of ZoneIDs based on clicks?


So, 240 ZoneIDs generated 97.7% of the revenue while 960 ZoneIDs
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