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Going Viral Is AWESOME



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
I've done a lot over the years with online marketing and I still think one of my favorite things is going viral. I still remember the first time I had a post on Facebook get seen by 1,000,000 people. It's just something that doesn't ever happen in any other situation. Especially for free.

Anyway, I had a post go viral a few days ago. This was after a 1 week temporarily ban where I couldn't post on Facebook. So, it was especially nice :)

What is the most reach you've ever gotten on a social media post (doesn't have to be Facebook)?
Very cool... I have yet to reach that many people organically, but hoping I do some day soon :)
Thanks guys. I am not doing a great job of monetizing my Pages right now, but overall the organic performance has been really good. We're working on releasing FPTraffic v2 within the next month or so with some great new tools which is going to entice me to finally get back to blowing up social. For now, I'll take what I can get with the little time I've been spending on it. Posts like the one that went viral continue to show me the overall value in building a social media audience though :)
Not 1.5m like Luke's but taking into account this page has 7k likes, not toooooo bad :).

"$20 to reach 12,000 people" -- good deal, Facebook :p
Yeah, that's crazy good Daniel :)
Sorry about the stupid question, but what's the point to make viral FB pages? Sell shot outs in the long-term?
Interesting. And how do you monetize page? promoting offers or influence posting?
Primarily through affiliate links and driving people to a blog.
I, on the other hand, can show some of my best instagram photos [not quite viral, but someone might find it usefull to measure some things]
The account is at 96k followers with average of 1-5k likes per post and 40k profiles visits in the last 7 days according to statistics (it raised from like 30k visits since last 2 weeks) I find instagram better for marketing then facebook right now, as people tends to use IG more and more plus it allows some easy ways of marketing if done right. I used to bot instagram with like 100-300 accounts couple of years ago, but recently it became a struggle so I went the legit way, growing accounts naturally
Those are 2 posts one from last year :

And one from like a week ago:
Last edited:
Very nice. We’re going to be integrating some Instagram tools into FPTraffic and I’ll likely focus on it a bit more 😀
Instagram is booming throughout the teenagers.
I have a female cousin who is nearly 18 years old and she's very helpful when I have to think of ways and angles to advertise to teenagers.
She's always telling me that she and many of her friends rarely spend time on Facebook now, they all prefer Instagram.
Instagram is booming throughout the teenagers.
I have a female cousin who is nearly 18 years old and she's very helpful when I have to think of ways and angles to advertise to teenagers.
She's always telling me that she and many of her friends rarely spend time on Facebook now, they all prefer Instagram.
Yeah, I've seen this too with my nephews.
Interesting. And how do you monetize page? promoting offers or influence posting?

If you have a blog, you can link it to your Facebook page and apply for Facebook Instant Articles. If you get accepted, they'll show ads on the Instant Article version of your posts.

Based on experience, their CPM is good. For Tier 1 countries, you can get anywhere $8 to $20 CPM.
If you have a blog, you can link it to your Facebook page and apply for Facebook Instant Articles. If you get accepted, they'll show ads on the Instant Article version of your posts.

Based on experience, their CPM is good. For Tier 1 countries, you can get anywhere $8 to $20 CPM.
isn't it only for mobile?
I used to use Instant Articles, but Facebook doesn't seem to be approving new publishers?

This request has been pending for months :)
I used to use Instant Articles, but Facebook doesn't seem to be approving new publishers?

View attachment 2806

This request has been pending for months :)

Wow that's quite a while! I submitted a new website for a page just last month and I received a reply already. Although the reply was not what I would have wanted:

The images they are talking about are embedded images from Amazon (which don't show up for Instant Articles). Which means I have to edit all articles showing Amazon image ads (which can be a hassle for me).

I think they are getting stricter in terms of approving, but it's still not impossible.

Maybe you can try this: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/151371415454526?helpref=faq_content
You can appeal your page's monetization, and maybe they'll respond. If it's the wrong place, they'll probably send you to the right place when they respond.